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英语三级作文句型模板 True friends
发布时间:2018.10.30    新闻来源:东方教育网,全国计算机等级考试、全国英语等级考试无锡伊斯特教育考试中心   浏览次数:


  Friends play an important part in everyones life.
  Some people make friends for their own benefits.
  A friend in need is a friend in deed.
  1)Friends influence your development, maturity and sense of responsibility.
  2)These people are not reallyfriends. They only want to be your friends if it is to their advantage. By this time you should know who are your true friends.
  3)A true friend is eager to help you whenever necessary. You can consider yourself very lucky if you have one true friend. You and your true friend have a good understanding of each other

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